The Homeless People’s Commission Report & Good Practice Guide

The Homeless People’s Commission Report & Good Practice Guide
09/07/2012 andy

Groundswell Timeline /2012

The Homeless People’s Commission comprised of homeless and ex-homeless people from across the nine English regions who compiled recommendations for Government to include in their homelessness policy. Topics ranged from prevention to accommodation through to health. In total there were 93 recommendations made.

Through this process, users of homelessness services were given a real opportunity to input into the services they received. At the time there was no recognisable national voice for homeless people. Sections of this document were subsequently included in Government policy by the Department of Communities and Local Government.

This item represents a milestone and can be traced back to the early days of the Speak Outs. Through the Homeless People’s Commission, service users were offered direct access to national Government without the red tape. The report was received well by Government and led to the Commissioners presenting the document to a cross-party ministerial working group tackling homelessness.


Read the full report here.