Today Groundswell launch a short film and rap, accompanied by a poster focussing on people’s rights to healthcare.
For many years, we alongside many third sector and NHS partners have been reinforcing the message that everyone has the right to register with a GP – you do not need a fixed address, you do not need identification and your immigrations status does not matter. Sadly, we know many people are still unaware of their rights and are turned away from accessing their GP, in turn impacting their health.
Communications Officer Sarah Hough is the mastermind behind the short film (producing both the rap & soundtrack):
“Last year I was part of a ‘mystery shopping’ project where we would present as someone experiencing homelessness – which I have been myself – and try to register with a GP, it showed such a lack of awareness of people’s rights to register. Talking to my colleagues in our Homeless Health Peer Advocacy (HHPA) team it’s clear this is an ongoing challenge. Staff turnover in homelessness services is high, we want to make sure everyone experiencing homelessness and those supporting them get the healthcare they need and deserve by accessing a GP.”
Please share this film and use the poster in your services. We all have the right to good health, everyone has the right to register with a GP.