COVID-19 Archive

The following resources were created earlier in the pandemic and some of the information they contain is out-of-date


Winter health 2021: top tips for looking after your health this winter

December 2021

Guidance on staying healthy this winter for people experiencing homelessness.

Including top tips from staff with experience of homelessness, and up-to-date information on accessing healthcare, protection against flu and protection against COVID-19.

It is in double-sided A4 format, and available to use as a digital resource, or printed in colour or black and white.

COVID-19: Guidance on keeping yourself and others safe

July 2021

A COVID-19 guide for people experiencing homelessness. It covers symptoms, testing, protecting yourself and others, and getting vaccinated.

It is available in an A4 self-print format and in A6 leaflet form for professional printing.

About the development of the vaccine

Answering questions on how the vaccine works, its development, access and how we know it’s safe for us all.

After the vaccine

For people who want to understand how the vaccine works, why they must follow Government restrictions and possible side effects.

The 2nd COVID vaccine dose

The latest information on receiving the second vaccine dose.

Easy print black and white version available here.

Also available in:

Receiving the vaccine

Explaining who is getting the COVID-19 vaccine first, how to get the vaccine, what the vaccine does and how we know it’s safe.

Also available in:

COVID-19 Advice Archive

Guides based on official advice

Advice by NHS England, Public Health England and the Department for Work and Pensions, throughout the pandemic.

Messaging has been adapted so people who are homeless can apply it to their current situation. The guidance has had clinical approval.

Click to expand


Advice for people dependent on drugs during COVID-19

0.5887 Mb


Advice for people dependent on alcohol during COVID-19

0.5777 MB


Advice for managing your well-being during COVID-19

0.6368 MB


Protecting yourself from the flu – the flu vaccine

602.67 KB


COVID-19 & single room projects (Housing Justice)

550 KB


COVID-19 & communal night shelters (Housing Justice)

552 KB


COVID-19: protecting yourself and others

354 KB