#HealthNow Newcastle

In Newcastle, homelessness charity Crisis are delivering #HealthNow.

This involves managing the local Homeless Health Peer Advocacy (HHPA) service and overseeing the local #HealthNow alliance across Newcastle.


Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @HealthnowN

The Health Now logo

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Homeless Health Peer Advocacy (HHPA)

Crisis operate a HHPA service for #HealthNow Newcastle.

Volunteer Peer Advocates with experience of homelessness work to improve the confidence of people facing homelessness in using health services and increase their ability to access healthcare independently.

To refer to the service, email: [email protected]


#HealthNow peer research report: Understanding homeless health inequality in Newcastle

In Newcastle, between November and December 2020, eight Peer Researchers set up a socially distanced hub to conduct 49 semi-structured telephone interviews with people recently or currently experiencing homelessness.

The hub provided a supported environment that allowed researchers to support each other and debrief. They aimed to identify barriers to people experiencing homelessness, accessing care and treatment at a local level and develop action plans to eradicate those barriers.

This peer-led research provides empirical evidence illustrating the issues people who were recently or currently experiencing homelessness face when accessing healthcare services and maintaining their own health and wellbeing.

Meet Chris Reed, Newcastle’s #HealthNow Coordinator

I’m excited to be doing something that has real impact on the lives of people experiencing homelessness, and working with people with lived experience to help deliver our aims.”

A picture of Chris Reed, the Health Now Coordinator for Crisis Newcastle