Listen Up! Your Rights training

How well do you know your rights?

We all have the right to good health. But knowing exactly what our rights are and how to get them can be challenging.

We have created three training resources to help you understand your rights and give you the confidence to speak up about them. We draw on real-life experiences of homelessness and health inequalities.

“Knowing what we’re entitled to can help us to identify when things are wrong and give us the right language to address the issues.” – Read Tess’ blog about Your Rights training

1. How well do you know your healthcare rights? Meet Eddie, Sydney and Toby and find out.

Try our new Your Rights Bitesize e-Learning.

Follow the stories of Eddie and Sydney, who are experiencing homelessness, and their messages to a support worker named Toby.

When you sign up to the courses you will see something that looks a bit like a WhatsApp conversation. Important information might pop up throughout the conversation and you will be invited to do an interactive quiz at the end. You can download a certificate when you complete three of them.

Each one takes no longer than 10 minutes to complete. The Bitesize e-Learning is best viewed on a mobile phone. Register with your name and mobile number (we won’t use this for anything else). This way you can pick up where you left off.

Course One – Eddie

Learn about registering with GP, disagreeing with a treatment plan and seeing your health records

Course Two – Sydney

Learn about confidentiality, dignity and respect, and hospital discharge

Working in homelessness or health?

Print out and put up our easy-read poster so your staff and the people you support can take advantage of the Bitesize e-Learning.

2. Get a copy of Your Rights Pocket Guide

Your Rights Pocket Guide explains 10 of your healthcare rights. It is designed to be easy to access and understand.

You can download a PDF version below.

3. Join a workshop to explore rights in more detail

Your Rights Workshops are open to people with experience of homelessness and staff and managers working in health, housing and homelessness services.

Workshops can be held online or in person and are led by two Groundswell staff and a Listen Up! community reporter. We facilitate conversations around real-life scenarios where someone might be denied their rights. You will explore these rights in more detail, discuss the issues people are facing, and together work out how to overcome them.

Workshops are three hours long and can be adapted to the needs of the service. They are available for free until September 2024.