Westminster Homeless Health Coordination Project (WHHCP)

The Westminster Homeless Health Coordination Project (WHHCP) works in collaboration with 22 homeless services across the borough. WHHCP aims to improve health access and decrease health inequalities amongst those who are vulnerably/temporarily housed.

The WHHCP identifies the health needs of service users and improves awareness amongst statutory health providers around the health and personal needs of this cohort. The project works with a multitude of services to raise the capacity of supported housing providers to support service users to improve their health outcomes through training, information, accessing health services and facilitating a range of health events.

In 2020 the WHHCP contract moved from St Mungo’s to Groundswell. It is a pleasure to welcome you to the relaunched WHHCP website. Here you will find a range of resources ranging from health directories, project reports and tool kits.

Find out more

If you have any questions or would like to sign up for our e-newsletter, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with HHCP Manager Anna Midgley:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Anna – available Tuesday- Friday: 07818398190