Blue Light Resources

Westminster Council’s Rough Sleeping Team has launched a Blue Light Project to support staff working with vulnerable dependent drinkers.

This project will deliver Blue Light training for staff and disseminate best practice while working with this client group.  The resources below can be downloaded to help your work with vulnerable dependent drinkers.

Thiamine, alcohol and alcohol related brain damage factsheet

This factsheet by the Alcohol Related Brain Damage (ARBD) Network explains the impact of drinking on the nerve cells of the brain, recovery after abstinence and the importance of vitamins especially thiamine.

This video is of a touching story told by Jennie about her friend Ian who experienced homelessness and alcohol related illnesses.

Mental capacity assessment screening tool for severe weather

Two documents have been created that can be used when there is a concern about capacity regarding the specific decision not to take up an offer of severe weather accommodation.  The first document is for severe cold weather and the second is for hot weather.  Best interest decisions are included as well as alternative options to be considered.


Easy read documents

We have created several Easy read documents which can be used to support dependent drinkers.


Managing Risk with Dependent Drinkers

Comprehensive guide and poster.