Groundswell are working with Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse and Westminster Council to transform services and systems to better meet the needs of women experiencing any form of violence against women and girls (VAWG) and multiple disadvantage in Westminster.

On this page you can find:
- Information on services and forums available for women in Westminster.
- Useful resources to help you support women experiencing multiple disadvantage or read more around the topic.
* Please note that many of these resources explore topics such as domestic abuse and sexual violence, which are very common, and lots of people will have personal experiences of these issues. Please take time to notice how you are feeling. Talk to someone, don’t sit with it. There are helplines listed in the “Domestic and sexual abuse services directory” document if you would like to do this anonymously.
List of resources to help you support women
Domestic abuse
MARAC referral form page
To refer a high-risk case of domestic abuse to the Westminster MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference), download and complete the MARAC referral form and send it back to the indicated email address. If the survivor is experiencing multiple disadvantage, you can contact the Westminster Multiple Disadvantage MARAC rep Margaret Walsh for support with the MARAC process: [email protected]
Complicated matters
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An extensive toolkit around supporting survivors experiencing domestic abuse, substance misuse and mental health issues. Not to be read cover to cover; use the contents section to find guidance on specific issues.
The Safe Lives DASH risk assessment with guidance
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The DASH Risk assessment can be a helpful tool to support agencies to assess the level of risk around domestic abuse. Safe Lives have lots of information about the DASH RIC on their website and this copy of the risk assessment with guidance will be helpful if you are completing the DASH RIC for the first time.
Standing Together - Safety planning guidance
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Guidance produced by Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse tailored for professionals who want to start exploring safety planning strategies with survivors.
Other forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG)
Suzy Lamplugh Trust Am I being Stalked tool
This tool can be used to better identify whether someone is being stalked and provides practical
safety advice and signposting to organisations who can help.
Rape and Sexual Violence Project – Self-help resources
Written self-help advice on dealing with the effects of sexual violence and abuse.
Resources on women selling sex – Beyond the Streets
Beyond the Streets is a UK charity working to end sexual exploitation by creating routes out through working directly with women. They deliver services across the UK and have a variety of useful resources on their resource page.
London harmful practices specialist helpline info
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Specialist support for women experiencing harmful practices, and advice for professionals, across
Prevention and Action through Community Training Leaflet
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Specialist advocacy for BME women experiencing domestic abuse and harmful practices, counselling, support groups and specialist training for professionals. Partners are 18 specialist ‘by and for’ organisations working with black and minoritized survivors across London. (The download is 2 jpgs, front and back)
Savera Factsheets
Savera are a Liverpool based organisation tackling ‘honour’-based abuse and harmful practices across the UK. Be mindful that they only provide services in the Liverpool area so the helpline listed in the factsheets won’t be relevant.
What are Harmful practices? Factsheet pdf 221 kb
What is Honor Based Abuse factsheet pdf 252 kb
What is forced marriage factsheet pdf 182 kb
What is FGM factsheet pdf 203 kb
Women and the criminal justice system
Resources from Women in Prison
Women in Prison is a national charity that delivers support for women affected by the criminal justice system in prisons, in the community and through their Women’s Centres. They have a variety of useful resources for those affected by the criminal justice system, and those supporting them.
Women and Trauma
WGN – Sexual violence and trauma self help guide (pdf 1.4 Mb)
Written by specialist women’s organisation Women and Girl’s Network, this is a self-help resource to help women identify self-care practices that work for them. The guide was written for people who have experienced sexual violence, but it contains tips and ideas that could help anyone who has experienced any form of gendered violence.
Self care resources – Luminary Bakery
Luminary Bakery is a social enterprise providing training, employment and community to some of the most disadvantaged women in London. They have a wealth of great self care resources on their website.
Women experiencing multiple disadvantage
WGN – Keeping Us Safer (pdf 1.4 Mb)
An approach to supporting women experiencing homelessness and multiple disadvantage. Produced by Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse and St Mungos.
Women as mothers
MATCH mothers
MATCH mothers is a charity that offers non-judgemental support and information to mothers apart from their children in a wide variety of circumstances. They have a helpline and have in person meet ups across the country.
Women in couples
Homeless Couples and Relationships toolkit
Created by St Mungos and based on the research below, the Homeless Couples and Relationships Toolkit provides guidance for staff working with couples, requirements for accommodation options for people, and outlines recommendations for supporting couples.
Couples exit planning check list
A document put together to support professionals working with couples in Westminster since COVID 19. Summarises many of the key points outlined in the Homeless Couples and Relationships toolkit.
Creating gender responsive services/spaces
Women’s Spaces within homelessness settings – Connections at St Martins and Solace Women’s Aid (pdf 1.4 Mb)
The Women’s Development Unit (WDU) is a joint project between The Connection at St Martin’s and Solace Women’s Aid (Solace). This toolkit has been designed to help organisations looking to set up a gender informed service.
Guidance for Hotels and hostels supporting Women - COVID 19 - WCC
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A document created at the start of the Everyone In initiative in Westminster to support the set-up of gender responsive hotels.
List of resources to read more around the topic
Women and Multiple Disadvantage: To read more around the topic
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A document containing links to resources where you can read more around the topic of Women and Multiple Disadvantage.