Information Sheets

GS Swift Archive template

  • Scabies information sheet

    This document provides information on how to best deal with scabies in services.

  • MDT evictions protocol

    This document provides a set of principles on steps to take before & when an eviction is taking place of…

  • Health checks & workshop information sheet

    This document details organisations you can contact in Westminster to run in-reach health checks or health workshops.  It also provides…

  • Where to start with the Pizazz

    The Pizazz is a practical self-assessment framework especially suited for services that wish to develop using a Psychologically informed Environment (PIE) approach.  This…

  • Free or low cost exercise in Westminster

    The following information sheet provides information on how clients can access free or low cost exercise in Westminster.

  • Westminster Disclosures of Childhood Sexual Abuse leaflet

    Managing disclosures of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is a printable leaflet that explains what steps need to be taken if…

  • Westminster Palliative Care information sheet

    This information sheet provides a summary of resources designed to help staff supporting service users that are at end of…

  • Spice information sheet

    This Spice information sheet provides a short summary on the risks of using Spice, alongside harm minimisation advice, links to…

  • Seizure information sheet

    The seizure information sheet provides a list of useful videos and websites that staff can visit to learn more about…

  • COVID-19 vaccinations at your service

    This document suggests possible methods to increase COVID-19 vaccinations at your service; including tips before a vaccination clinic, and relevant…

  • Managing medication:

    A briefing developed by HHCP and Homeless Link

  • Westminster key safeguarding contacts

    This document can be printed so staff have easy access to safeguarding teams for children and adults, MARAC and Care…