Groundswell Timeline /2010
Dennis Rogers was in the first tranche of peers trained in 2010. Dennis has been key in developing the role of the peer advocate. He has personally delivered over 500 engagements and helped design the ‘targeted advocacy’ intervention – this involves two specialist homeless GP practices passing on names of clients who are known to have significant health problems who are missing appointments. Using his own experiences of homelessness – as well as his experience of being a front line hostel worker and a street outreach worker – Dennis seems uniquely able to locate people sleeping rough that others struggle to contact – and bring them in to (often life-saving) appointments.
Homeless Health Peer Advocacy (HHPA) is also colloquially known as TTTDD – following a client, who had been on many appointments, being asked if they knew what the project was called – ‘That Thing That Dennis Does’ he replied.
Dennis Rogers was in the first tranche of peers trained in 2010. Dennis has been key in developing the role of the peer advocate. He has personally delivered over 500 engagements and helped design the ‘targeted advocacy’ intervention – this involves two specialist homeless GP practices passing on names of clients who are known to have significant health problems who are missing appointments. Using his own experiences of homelessness – as well as his experience of being a front line hostel worker and a street outreach worker – Dennis seems uniquely able to locate people sleeping rough that others struggle to contact – and bring them in to (often life-saving) appointments.
Homeless Health Peer Advocacy (HHPA) is also colloquially known as TTTDD – following a client, who had been on many appointments, being asked if they knew what the project was called – ‘That Thing That Dennis Does’ he replied.